










I’ve always loved clouds. I remember staring at them out of the car window on road trips. Clouds are fascinating. They come in all shapes and colors, and no matter how hard I try to draw them, my drawings never quite capture their essence. There must be some rule or principle, beyond just shape and color, that my brain uses to recognize a cloud. It’s the power of the subconscious mind—something we’re not consciously aware of, yet it helps us distinguish the real thing. Aikido trains this power. Beyond the physical forces we learned in physics—tension, compression, friction, and so on—it cultivates the ability to sense the invisible flow of energy and connection.

For this practice session, we focused on:

  1. Aiki taiso (Aikido exercises)
  2. Footwork
  3. Ukemi (falling techniques)
  4. Ki-awase shomen-uchi ikkyo omote/ura
  5. Kote-gaeshi, nikyo stretches
  6. Gyaku-hanmi katate-dori nikyo ura
  7. Preparation for the grading test

We practiced at a slower pace. With the rising temperatures, it’s important to adjust the pace to avoid overexertion. But there was another crucial purpose—to practice Aikido slowly and deliberately, with a strong awareness of our partners. In Aikido, connecting with your partner is essential. Feeling the presence of your partner (which doesn’t necessarily mean watching them with your eyes) and executing each technique with care is vital.

Performing techniques and receiving them attentively is important. It’s not just about mastering the mechanics of a technique. For both the person executing the technique (tori) and the one receiving it (uke), maintaining connection and attacking sincerely is essential for the connection (musubi) not to break. This is not something only advanced practitioners can do. It’s a challenging yet essential aspect that even beginners can and should focus on.

