











After Setsubun has passed and the cold gradually eases, the footsteps of spring become audible. This is something I think about every year: compared to when I lived in Osaka, each day from around this season brings a different face to the mountains, with various plants serving as signposts guiding us toward spring. Truly, it’s day by day. Through taking photos on Etajima, I’ve learned something valuable: even if I think a scene is beautiful as I pass by, if I return later to capture it, that moment of beauty has already passed, never to be captured again. Perhaps that’s what living, truly living, means. Life exists because of death, and vice versa. The cycle of growth and decline, with its ebbs and flows, highlights the importance of both light and shadow. Now, for today’s practice:

  1. Aikido warm-up exercises
  2. Footwork practice
  3. Ukemi (breakfalls)
  4. Four-direction throw from reverse cross-hand grab
  5. Reverse cross-hand grab technique, omote (front side)
  6. Reverse cross-hand grab technique, ura (rear side)
  7. Reverse cross-hand grab technique, nikyo ura (second teaching, rear side)
  8. Seated technique breathing exercises

We tackled some challenging footwork today, making both uke and tori techniques difficult from the outset. However, the dedication shown by the students, persistently working through the techniques while gradually grasping them, is akin to watching flowers bloom after being nurtured in their buds. Life presents us with various peaks—youthful peaks, peaks of beauty, peaks of physical prowess, peaks of memory. Yet, instead of each peak being merely a fleeting moment in one’s life, it’s the entirety of these peaks, along with their interchanges, that constitute the mountain of one’s life. I hope we can enjoy the journey through them all.

