




2足捌き 摺り足 二人で

3足捌き 入身転換









12立ち方座り方 安座 正座 礼法



I wanted to practice in the shade during the day, but the sun was shining directly overhead, and there was no shade to be found. I ended up retreating to my house. Even in this modern age of advanced science and technology, I can’t help but feel that we are still no match for the threats posed by nature. It’s like in Aikido, where clashing force with force doesn’t solve anything; I believe that’s true.

Today’s training consisted of:

  1. Aikido warm-up exercises
  2. Footwork practice: sliding footwork with a partner
  3. Footwork practice: entering and changing direction
  4. Receiving half-body one-handed attacks and performing breath throws (changing feet)
  5. Ukemi (breakfalls): side, backward, and forward rolls
  6. Kiai exercises for strikes to the front
  7. Kiai exercises for frontal strikes, one technique (omote)
  8. Kiai exercises for frontal strikes, one technique (ura)
  9. Kiai exercises for frontal strikes, kotegaeshi (wrist twist)
  10. Kiai exercises for frontal strikes, entering throw
  11. Cool-down exercises
  12. Standing and sitting postures: natural stance, formal sitting, bowing etiquette

Today’s content mainly focused on reviewing the training from last week with Sensei Werner. I dislike both studying and practicing, so I’m always thinking about how to learn efficiently. The best way to learn something you’ve been taught before is to review it while you still remember it. Everyone has practiced with various partners, and they put their emotions into their movements. However, things don’t always go as planned. That’s the essence of training. By immersing yourself in it, time passes, and you might find yourself moving more smoothly, not getting out of breath so easily, or discovering new goals. The key is not to try to become thoughtless but to find a way to be thoughtless through what you’re doing.

The youth section starts from the sixth grade. Some young members are putting in great effort, learning the basics of standing and sitting, and refining their movements. As it’s a martial art, we emphasize the importance of etiquette and cultivate the habit of calming the mind. Currently, the youth section practices together with the general members, so we’ll progress together step by step.

