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Today’s practice included:

  1. Aiki warm-up exercises
  2. Footwork
  3. Ukemi (falling techniques)
  4. Gyaku hanmi katate dori kokyu nage (small footwork)
  5. Gyaku hanmi katate dori soto kaiten nage ura stretch
  6. Gyaku hanmi katate dori kote gaeshi with final control
  7. Gyaku hanmi katate dori irimi nage

Recently, we’ve been focusing on gyaku hanmi katate dori techniques. Although the practice routine hasn’t changed much, I’m grateful for the persistence of those who keep coming to practice. I try to adjust the concept slightly each time, but I understand that some may struggle with earlier stages or feel that they’ve already mastered certain aspects. Therefore, I pay close attention to their reactions as we progress through the training.

When practicing irimi nage with tsugi ashi and front-foot entry, it’s challenging if the irimi is too shallow, but if there’s too much distance, it also becomes difficult. Furthermore, if the tsugi ashi and the cutting hand motion aren’t synchronized, the technique feels forced. Since it’s quite challenging to execute these actions simultaneously, today, we reduced the amount of content and increased the number of repetitions. With the hope that this practice will build toward the next session, I continue to row the boat forward, little by little, each time.

