













Yesterday was the anniversary of the atomic bombing of Hiroshima. If asked whether the world is more peaceful than last year, I must answer no. Of course, on the level of conflicts, wars are happening somewhere in the world. However, this year, the situation between Ukraine and Russia remains without a path to ceasefire, and the same goes for the Israel-Gaza conflict. The complex structures involving major surrounding nations make it seem like a world war. I don’t know the solution, of course. But even without understanding it fully, I know that many civilians are being sacrificed, and that is unacceptable. Why, despite the long history, the many great leaders, and brilliant minds, do wars still persist in this modern age? Are humans simply incapable of stopping wars? We are faced with this very sad reality. I hope that children can live in a world with fewer wars. That is my only wish. Today’s practice included:

  1. Aiki warm-up exercises
  2. Footwork
  3. Ukemi (falling techniques)
  4. Gyaku hanmi katate dori kaiten nage ura stretch (small footwork)
  5. Gyaku hanmi katate dori kote gaeshi
  6. Gyaku hanmi katate dori irimi nage
  7. Gyaku hanmi katate dori ikkyo ura
  8. Gyaku hanmi katate dori nikyo ura
  9. Gyaku hanmi katate dori sankyo ura
  10. Gyaku hanmi katate dori kaiten nage ura

The founder, Morihei Ueshiba, said that Aikido training is a form of purification (misogi). Aikido is a martial art with roots in Shinto. The concept that deities reside in all things. It is a way of thinking that is deeply ingrained in ancient Japan, so much so that it doesn’t feel like a religion. It’s a way of life. I grew up with the mindset that we live by receiving life, and thus we should not waste anything. In Shinto, purification is important. Why is purification necessary? Perhaps it is because we are immature and tainted, and just by living, we accumulate impurities. We can’t even put an end to conflicts. Winning over oneself, even in the universe within our hearts, is not easy. We cannot win over our desires. The wars in the world and the wars in our hearts, both are likely battles between the pursuit of self-interest and the interest of others.

