The Hiroshima Carp is doing well, and just that alone lifts my spirits. I always support the Japan national soccer team, so just seeing their uniform also fills me with excitement. I’ve never been good at sports or physical activities, so I have a strong admiration for athletes. When I watch high school baseball, I find myself becoming younger, and even in professional baseball and soccer matches, I notice that the players are younger than me, including those who have already retired. Despite being younger than me, I am moved by the achievements of athletes who have probably put in much more effort and experienced numerous setbacks throughout their careers.
Now, let me share today’s training session:
- Aikido Exercises
- Ukemi (Side, Back, Front)
- Ai Hanmi Katate Dori Kokyu Nage (Moving the feet)
- Ai Hanmi Katate Dori San-Kyo (Practice retreating to the rear)
- Gyaku Hanmi Katate Dori Tenkan Nage (Stretching)
- From Tenkan Sabaki to Gyaku Hanmi Katate Dori Tenkan Nage (Stretching)
- From Tenkan Sabaki to Gyaku Hanmi Katate Dori Yoko Kuzushi (Side Breakfall)
- Breath-Raising Hand Movements (Drawing the figure-eight)
- Ryote Dori Kokyu Ho (Standing exercise)
- Ryote Dori Tenchi Nage
- Cool-down exercises
We focused on using our legs effectively and practicing movements to keep up with the attacker. We worked on footwork for both forward and backward movements, making sure we could follow the attacker’s Tenkan Sabaki. By incorporating Tenkan Sabaki, we can expand the range of techniques.
We also explained Tenchi Nage (Heaven and Earth throw). Since we’ve gradually experienced the hand movements of Kokyu Ho, we incorporated them as part of the hand movements for Tenchi Nage. The upper hand represents the hand movement from Kokyu Ho, while the lower hand represents the hand movement for Yoko Kuzushi. By practicing both techniques and then performing Tenchi Nage, we were able to experience the basics of this throw. It may be challenging to focus on the precise hand movements, but for now, I believe we got a taste of the fundamentals of Tenchi Nage. When we include Tenkan Sabaki, it becomes the reverse technique for Tenchi Nage. So, we will continue to practice Tenkan Sabaki and work on both the front and reverse techniques.
Even with the air conditioning on, the dojo remains warm, and it doesn’t cool down easily. During the cool-down, lying down on the tatami, I felt the intense heat.