










9 5678を連続で


There was a loud thunderstorm, and part of Etajima experienced a blackout due to a lightning strike. I’m glad it didn’t cause a wildfire. The power of nature is immense, and every time a disaster occurs, I am reminded of its terrifying force. Nature teaches us many things, and sometimes even within human society, I feel that we humans are also part of nature as living beings. It doesn’t seem to me that nature and artificiality are opposites. Now, today’s practice included:

  1. Aiki warm-up exercises
  2. Footwork
  3. Ukemi (falling techniques)
  4. Ai hanmi katate dori kote gaeshi (small footwork)
  5. Ai hanmi katate dori ikkyo omote
  6. Ai hanmi katate dori ikkyo ura
  7. Ai hanmi katate dori shiho nage omote
  8. Gyaku hanmi katate dori uchi kaiten nage
  9. Continuous practice of 5, 6, 7, and 8

We talked about nature and artificiality. Can you speak in your usual manner if asked to do so? I speak in a mixed dialect of Kansai and Hiroshima, so I find it very difficult when asked to do so. Moreover, actors have to perform in front of cameras and audiences, which I think is a very challenging profession. We are acting animals, and it turns out we are always acting in our daily lives. We are playing ourselves, but we are not conscious of it. As soon as we become conscious of it, acting becomes very difficult. The same goes for Aikido. We want to perform each movement naturally, but to do that, we learn what it means to be natural and train artificially to achieve that natural state. Therefore, techniques that look effortlessly natural might be one of the ultimate goals. It is important to practice slowly and surely, but I also believe it is essential to repeat, confuse the brain, and perceive things within the errors.

