








6摺り足の鍛錬 送り足・寄せ足







Today, it continues to drizzle with a muggy and humid climate. In Etajima, the temperature drops during the night, so there is no urban heat island phenomenon. Nights are comfortable, but the training hall is still hot.

Now, let’s go over today’s practice:

  1. Aikido exercises
  2. Side breakfalls
  3. Back breakfalls (with rotations)
  4. Front rolling breakfalls
  5. Entering body movement and transitioning footwork
  6. Sliding footwork: Leading foot and gathering foot
  7. Various ways of grabbing techniques
  8. Breath-taking throws from various hand grabs
  9. Breath-taking throws with advanced hand grab forms
  10. Kotegaeshi (wrist turning) from various hand grabs

I introduced a new technique called “grabbing techniques” for the first time. In a situation where the opponent tries to grab with both hands against one of ours, they have an advantage in a contest of strength. Therefore, we enter from the side, neutralize the opponent’s power with breath power, and gain control over them. I introduced techniques that I learned at a seminar conducted by the head of the main dojo in the past. The head instructor mentioned that entering, transitioning, and breath are essential elements that make techniques effective. It is crucial not to clash with the opponent, but to raise and lower ourselves from our own center without wavering. The understanding of each footwork such as entering and transitioning is vital for maintaining stability in our center of gravity. Exploring various ways of practicing techniques by using different types of grabs can deepen our understanding of each fundamental movement.

Children are geniuses. They may struggle with understanding things explained in words compared to adults, but they absorb things surprisingly well without explicit verbal explanations. They are always curious, constantly seeking things that pique their interest. They are full of playfulness and their concentration may quickly fade, but when something becomes interesting, they focus and grow rapidly. It is similar to the process of language acquisition. When we acquire a language, we become reliant on it. We were all children once, and a part of us still remains childlike. Learning within the realm of curiosity and playfulness can lead to acquiring things at an astonishing speed beyond words. It may be beneficial for us to act according to our interests, free from the limitations of words, just like children.

