





4気合わせ正面打ち入身投げ 逆半身片手取り入身投げ

5相半身片手取り小手返し 逆半身片手取り小手返し 逆半身片手取り内回転投げ

6気合わせ正面打ち一教表・裏 相半身片手取り一教・逆半身片手取り二教表裏

7相半身片手取り四方投げ表裏 逆半身片手取り四方投げ表裏

8坐技呼吸法 立位呼吸法 天地投げ 





Today was clear and sunny. On such days, the heat and humidity make you sweat profusely even with minimal movement. At the Etajima City Martial Arts Hall, we need to practice with the windows open to avoid heatstroke. With climate change being a significant concern, our approach to dealing with heat and the risk of heatstroke has evolved. As mentioned in previous posts, the concept of the Wet Bulb Globe Temperature (WBGT) index is now used to estimate heatstroke risk. Given the high humidity, we need to be very cautious, even if the temperature isn’t extremely high.

Today’s practice included:

  1. Aiki taiso (Aikido exercises)
  2. Footwork
  3. Ukemi (falling techniques)
  4. Ki-awase shomen-uchi irimi-nage and gyaku-hanmi katate-dori irimi-nage
  5. Ai-hanmi katate-dori kote-gaeshi, gyaku-hanmi katate-dori kote-gaeshi, and gyaku-hanmi katate-dori uchi-mawashi-nage
  6. Ki-awase shomen-uchi ikkyo omote/ura, ai-hanmi katate-dori ikkyo, and gyaku-hanmi katate-dori nikyo omote/ura
  7. Ai-hanmi katate-dori shiho-nage omote/ura, gyaku-hanmi katate-dori shiho-nage omote/ura
  8. Suwari-waza kokyu-ho, tachi-waza kokyu-ho, and tenchi-nage
  9. Test preparation

With the grading test coming up this month, we’re repeatedly practicing techniques to ensure everyone feels confident and prepared. During irimi-nage practice, I noticed one student making an effort to extend their foot just enough to enter behind their partner. It’s crucial to enter correctly in irimi-nage; otherwise, the partner following the pivot might collide with you. One of the fascinating aspects of Aikido is that through repetition, students gradually understand the importance of positioning in relation to their partner.

