

 当道場が所属する、公益財団法人合気会は日本武道協議会に加盟しています。日本武道協議会では武道を「武道は、武士道の伝統に由来する日本で体系化された武技の修錬による心技一如の運動文化で、心技体を一体として鍛え、人格を磨き、道徳心を高め、礼節を尊重する態度を養う、人間形成の道であり、柔道、剣道、弓道、相撲、空手道、合気道、少林寺拳法、なぎなた、銃剣道の総称を言う。」と定義しています。そして武道を英語ではmartial artと訳します。martialとは「戦争の」とか「戦技の」という意味で、artとは「芸」とか「芸術」という意味です。











10 8、9の技を連続で(投げ技から極め技に入る動き)



The Aikikai Foundation, to which our dojo belongs, is a member of the Japan Budo Council. The Japan Budo Council defines martial arts as follows: “Martial arts (Budo) are a cultural practice in Japan that originated from the traditions of Bushido. It is a movement culture that systematizes martial techniques, aiming for the unity of mind and technique. Through training the mind, body, and technique as one entity, it aims to cultivate human character, enhance moral values, and foster an attitude of respect and etiquette. Martial arts include Judo, Kendo, Kyudo, Sumo, Karate, Aikido, Shorinji Kempo, Naginata, and Jukendo.”

Today’s training includes:

  1. Aikido warm-up exercises.
  2. One-legged balance exercises.
  3. Footwork and entering movements.
  4. Side ukemi (falling techniques).
  5. Back ukemi (including rolling ukemi).
  6. Forward rolling ukemi.
  7. Ai hanmi katate dori ikkyo ura (technique one, reverse).
  8. Ai hanmi katate dori nikyo ura (technique two, reverse).
  9. Gyaku hanmi kata tori kaiten nage (reverse stance, shoulder grab, rotary throw).
  10. Continuous practice of techniques 8 and 9.

There are many things I want to do and convey, but time is limited. Since all of you have taken the time out of your busy schedules to come together on this important weekend, I want you to have a fulfilling and enjoyable experience without any injuries. So, I’ll be trying various approaches. Merely listening to explanations is not enough for the body to understand, and without a basis or understanding, the experience becomes a mere ineffective exercise. I think Aikido is interesting because it combines the movement of the body with principles, so I try to explain concisely and provide many opportunities to feel those principles. However, I wonder if I am succeeding. I will continue to refine the content of our training.

Today, I explained footwork and entering movements. To maintain a stable posture constantly, it is crucial to use the entering foot to position the body and smoothly transition into the next movement. Performing sliding footwork, practicing one-legged balance, and using entering and positioning movements may be more tiring than expected. I’m also benefiting from having a good training experience that allows me to understand how my partner feels. I would like to end the training a little earlier and incorporate stretching at the end. The days of trial and error seem to be continuing for now.


