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First, it’s good to care about failures. As the saying goes, “Failure is the mother of success.” Failures are essential ingredients for growth. If we forget our failures, we can’t grow. Second, failures are a sign of our challenges. When we attempt something, even something small, failure occurs because we are challenging ourselves. With low self-esteem, I’m trying to change my relationship with failure.

Today’s practice included:

  1. Aikido warm-up exercises
  2. Footwork
  3. Ukemi (Breakfall techniques)
  4. Stretching for Shihonage (Four-direction throw)
  5. Gyaku hanmi katatedori genkei kokyunage (Reverse stance single-hand grab, basic form breath throw)
  6. Aihanmi katatedori and gyaku hanmi katatedori shihonage omote/ura (Four-direction throw from same and reverse stance single-hand grab, front/reverse)
  7. Ki-awase shomen-uchi and gyaku hanmi katatedori iriminage (Harmony of spirit frontal strike and reverse stance single-hand grab entering throw)
  8. Suwari waza kokyuho (Seated breath techniques)

Today, we focused on breaking balance through weight shifting during turns. By repeatedly practicing movements that step off the line of attack and considering the distance with the opponent, we learned the essence of Aikido, which is to control the opponent without using force. An important aspect of this practice is to remain calm and composed. The phrase “heijoshinzedo” (平常心是道) captures this perfectly: a calm mind is the way.

In practicing Aikido, maintaining a calm and stable mind is crucial. By focusing on the principles of movement and balance, we can learn to control an opponent without relying on strength. This practice not only improves our technique but also cultivates a peaceful and resilient mindset, both on and off the mat.

