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When is the right time to start Aikido? What age is appropriate? There are various opinions. I have my own answer. My answer is “when you feel like trying Aikido.” It’s about having the “autonomy” that isn’t limited by age. What I feel while teaching is that, particularly in the case of Aikido, only those who genuinely want to learn and improve in Aikido actually make progress. Forcing oneself into it will never lead to true mastery. This is because the essence of Aikido is “self-discipline.” It’s the “axis” of Aikido. I believe the strength of Aikido lies in the strength of this axis and in self-discipline. Therefore, if someone wants to do it and if that someone is a mother who takes care of children, not being able to practice Aikido due to that reason should never be the case.

We need to come up with more ideas for the sake of “mothers.” We must create a world where “mothers” can live more easily. It’s worth making efforts to have dojos where even mothers can enjoy Aikido.

Now, let’s talk about today’s practice.

  1. Etiquette
  2. Aiki Taiso (Aikido exercises)
  3. Footwork (Tai Sabaki)
  4. Ukemi (Falling techniques: Side falls, Back falls, Front falls)
  5. Ai Hanmi Katate Tori Kokyu Nage (Matching stance, one-hand grab, breath throw)
  6. Kiai Awase Shomen Uchi Ikkajo Ura (Harmonizing energy, front strike, first teaching, ura – reversal)
  7. Gyaku Hanmi Katate Tori Ikkajo Ura (Opposite stance, one-hand grab, first teaching, ura – reversal)
  8. Cool-down exercises

We practiced these techniques today. The number of techniques was not many, and I can’t say that they were executed perfectly. However, I want to commend myself for taking on challenges that are worth the effort. It’s about not being bound by conventions and always having the spirit to keep challenging oneself. To all the students who came today, I’m grateful as always.

